subtitle Process Corpus of English in Education
creator(s) Gaëtanelle Gilquin
research center(s) Centre for English Corpus Linguistics
short description PROCEED (PROcess Corpus of English in EDucation) is a process learner corpus which relies on keystroke logging and screencasting to reproduce university students' writing process.
description PROCEED (PROcess Corpus of English in EDucation) is a process learner corpus, which reflects the process through which learners of English produce a written text. It relies on keystroke logging and screencasting which, by capturing the keyboard and screen activity, make it possible to keep a record of all the steps involved in the writing process. The corpus includes three types of data: the written texts, the keystroke log files and the screencast videos. It comes with rich metadata in the form of a detailed learner profile, including cognitive measures such as fluid intelligence or working memory.
type(s) written, video, learners
language(s) English
format(s) Elan file (.eaf)
date 2017
keywords Writing process, Screencasting, Keylogging
contributor(s) Samantha Laporte
description languages English
contact Gaëtanelle Gilquin <>