title NESSI
subtitle New Englishes Student Interviews
creator(s) Gaëtanelle Gilquin
research center(s) Centre for English Corpus Linguistics
short description NESSI (New Englishes Student Interviews) is a multimodal corpus of informal interviews with university students who use English as an institutionalized second-language variety.
description The NESSI (New EnglisheS Student Interviews) corpus aims to collect spoken data produced by young speakers of New Englishes (institutionalized second-language varieties of English). It is made up of video-recorded informal interviews with university students, which consist of three tasks: set topic, free discussion and picture description. The design criteria and transcription conventions used to compile NESSI are similar to those used for the LINDSEI and LOCNEC corpora, which allows for comparisons with learner English and native English.
type(s) oral, video, learners
language(s) English
format(s) Elan file (.eaf)
corpus size ca. 170,000 words
date 2016
keywords New Englishes, Multimodal
description languages English
contact Gaëtanelle Gilquin <>