
title MadSex
subtitle Corpus Madrileño Oral de la Sexualidad. (Madrilenian Spoken Corpus of Sexuality)
creator(s) Andrea Pizarro Pedraza
research center(s) Valibel – Discours et Variation
short description Sociolinguistic corpus of ca. 1 million words that focuses on the topic of sexuality. It is composed of 54 sociolinguistic interviews collected in 2010-2012 in Madrid on a pre-stratified sample (district, gender, age and level of education). The interviews were based on a questionnaire (indirect elicitation), face-to-face, recorded. Three interviewers participated.
description The Madrilenian spoken corpus of Sexuality (MadSex) reaches ca. 1 million words and it focuses on the topic of sexuality. The corpus is based on the transcriptions of 54 sociolinguistic interviews. They were collected in 2010-2012 in Madrid on a sample pre-stratified bydistrict (2), gender (2), age groups (3) and level of education (3), although broader social information is available. The method for data collection was a sociolinguistic interview (questionnaire-based, face-to-face, recorded), designed to indirectly elicit sexual concepts. Three interviewers participated on the fieldwork and data collection in two districts of the city of Madrid. Researchers can receive the corpus on request.
type(s) oral
language(s) Spanish
format(s) Text file (.txt)
corpus size 1 million words
date 2013
keywords sociolinguistics, sexuality, linguistic taboo, Madrid, pre-stratified sample, indirect elicitation, semantic variation
contributor(s) Mario Martínez Zauner, Enrique Menéndez Alba
distribution format(s) .doc
description languages Spanish
contact Andrea Pizarro Pedraza <>